Figopedia, the painting book you are looking for

Chances are, if you enjoy the little world of Miniature Painting, you heard of Jérémie Bonamant Téboul, and you know what a Golden Demon is. If you don’t, well, Golden Demons are the Oscars for painters, and Jérémie Bonamant should be able to build an army with the ones he owns.

Now the man is writing a book. No, a frackin’ Encyclopaedia. Filled with his knowledge. As any decent Encyclopaedia, it’s made of several volumes. And volume 1 is one its way, actually gathering funding on Indiegogo.
This volume will cover what you need to know about Light and Colours, in 100+ illustrated pages, available in English or in French.

The book is already funded, but now you can contribute to have more pages making it into the final edition. If that’s not enough incentive for you, maybe a sexy (exclusive) barbarian miniature will be.

Go on. You know you want to. Campaign is this way !

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