After changing from the Kingdom Death registry with some Cthulhu Wars, here’s some Super Fantasy Brawl !
SFB is an incredible game, with fast gameplay, a simple set of rules that makes you create a team of 3 champions, each with their own cards, allowing for a lot of combinations and interesting combos. For us, it is a blast, and the miniatures are excellent and refreshing.
The first champion I painted is Akhet. He was among the first 3 champions I played the game with and I liked him a lot. Plus, he’s one of the most interesting sculpts.
While in the game he’s a phoenix/fire bird, I decided I wanted to go for colours schemes that would vary from the original artworks (as cool as they are).

Mainly because there are already a lot of excellent paintings of the original colour scheme out there, and because the game allows 2 identical champions to battle against each other (if the 2 players have each their own game). I think of those alternate colour schemes as alternate versions of a character in a VERSUS game (like Smash Bros).
I chose to paint my Akhet as a peacock. I was delighted to find a picture of a peacock in a position real close to the artwork/miniature. Those were my main reference pictures :

And here’s the painting. The blade is painted with fluoresecent pigments for the brightest bits. It’s also a departure from our usual Citadel paints. Here, Scale Colors were used, and I loved it !