Category: Gallery
Tzolk’in & 3D Temples
Relic – Nemesis
New Dawn
Warhammer Arlequin
Rivet Wars Expansions

Alkemy is a skirmish miniature game featuring interesting fantasy factions, like medieval treemen fighting arabian catmen. Cast in resin, those 32mm miniatures are pretty cool. The game also features chinese triad or frog people, all involved in the alchemical war. Here are some treemen and regular men: Here are some feline stuff,…
Sedition Wars

Deadzone is a futuristic skirmish game funded with Kickstarter, sharing the same universe than Dreadball. A few months back, I painted this single Marauder Mawbeast (a cute dog carrying a bomb, with a chainsaw instead of a tongue), eager to give that sci-fi beast the full rainbow-treatment – as I stated before,…