Category: Fantasy
Kingdom Death Crossover

This dame is born from the merging of two worlds, Wrath of Kings and Kingdom Death (hence becoming the infamous Wrath of Kingdom Death, which doesn’t sound very good). The Twilight Knight is an iconic character from Kingdom Death, already having a fair number of incarnations, including other crossovers in…
Mice & Mystics & Downwood Tales
Blood Bowl – Silvania Team
Tzolk’in & 3D Temples

Alkemy is a skirmish miniature game featuring interesting fantasy factions, like medieval treemen fighting arabian catmen. Cast in resin, those 32mm miniatures are pretty cool. The game also features chinese triad or frog people, all involved in the alchemical war. Here are some treemen and regular men: Here are some feline stuff,…
Mice & Mystics – Heart of Glorm
Kingdom Death : Pinups of Death
Gandalf the Grey
Mice & Mystics

Mice & Mystics is a delightfully colourful dungeon crawler where our usual warriors and healers are in fact… little mice, wielding little swords and bows. In place of monstrous trolls and blood sucking vampires, you fight – nonetheless monstrous – bugs and rats. An heart lightening paint ! Our first take…